

                  Field Research at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

                  Kathy Schick butchering elephant with stone tools

                  Laboratory and experimental research

                  The bonobo Kanzi flaking stone

                  Stone tool behavior in modern apes, featuring Kanzi the bonobo

                  Drilling geological cores in Olduvai Gorge

                  Olduvai Gorge Coring Project


                  Modern Primate Research


                  Ethnoarchaeology research


                  From the Big Bang to the WWW

                  Visit our educational website to travel through time From the Big Bang to the World Wide Web

                  Olduvai Gorge Documentary Image

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                  Nick Toth

                  Learn about Big History with Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick

                  Jackson Njau and Tom Schoenemann at a science outreach event

                  SAI Science Outreach Programs

                  The SAI Brain sculpture

                  This Stone Age Institute brain has been painted to reflect how the human brain has evolved


                  The Human Brain Evolving

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                  Book cover image for Making Silent Stones Speak

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                  Sunrise over Olduvai Gorge

                  Our Video Gallery Highlights paleoanthropology, archaeology, and our research

                  Olduvai landscape

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